M75 Heavy-Duty Split Mounts with Extensions close Quantity in Basket: None Code: MNT-0000-M75 Price: $90.00 USD Quantity: Heavy Duty M7 Split mounts with M5 Extensions used with 1-1/2" diameter stachion pipe. Manufactured by Morad Electronics. Related Item(s) Code Name Price CBL-NUL4-025 25' LMR400 AIS coaxial cable (N male / UHF male) $90.72 ANT-00HD-159 Morad HD159 6dBi AIS VHF antenna $225.00 MNT-0000-0V8 8' x 1" diameter stanchion $73.00
Attention: A fee of $35.00 will be added to all orders of less than $100.00.* * No fee will be added for MMSI or service orders.