Shine Micro offers MMSI number assignment and registration online!
Please note: Shine Micro MMSI assignment and registration is available to users with valid United States addresses only.
After purchase, customers will be prompted to use their order confirmation number to proceed through online assignment and registration.
Look for the "Complete Your Registration" link on your Order Confirmation screen.
This item is for purchasing an MMSI number for a handheld marine VHF radio which will not be associated with a specific vessel. If you need an MMSI number for a specific vessel, please click here: MMSI for Vessel
An MMSI number is a 9-digit code required in AIS transponders, and also used in
VHF marine radio equipment, EPIRB's, and all INMARSAT satellite terminals.
All vessels operating on the high seas require a Maritime Mobile Service Identity
(MMSI) number to participate in the Global Maritime Distress & Safety System
(GMDSS). In addition to GMDSS participation, the MMSI number also serves as a
unique identifier of the vessel for all communications.
An MMSI number is assigned to a vessel, not a vessel owner. Only one MMSI number
is needed per boat, regardless of the number of different communications devices
on board.>
MMSI numbers assigned to handheld radios follow a different format, so please be sure that you select the right MMSI number for your use requirements. If you need an MMSI number for a specific vessel, please click here: MMSI for Vessel
MMSI numbers assigned by Shine Micro can be used on AIS transponders, VHF radios,
EPIRBs, etc. If you already have an MMSI number you do not need to purchase
another one. Please refer to the information below to determine if you may already have an MMSI number.
- If you are required to carry a VHF License assigned through the FCC, or
plan to obtain one, an MMSI number has already been assigned or will be assigned
to you in connection with your VHF License.
Please call the FCC at 888-225-5322 (select option 2) to obtain or verify
your FCC assigned MMSI number.
- Shine Micro Inc. assigned MMSI data is stored in the Coast Guard Search And Rescue (SAR) database.
It is not included in the International SAR database.
- If you are voluntarily licensed but will be cruising in U.S. waters only,
you may use the Shine Micro Inc. assigned MMSI number.
However, keep in mind that should you decide to cruise in international waters
in future, the MMSI data would not be included in the International SAR Database.
Further detail on the format for a US MMSI number can be found on the USCG